Governance Information
Work Guidelines for Directors & Commissioners
PT Federal International Finance dan para penjamin pelaksana emisi efek bertanggung jawab sepenuhnya atas kebenaran semua informasi atau fakta material, serta kejujuran pendapat yang tercantum dalam dokumen ini.
Company Secretary
Per 1 Juni 2021, terjadi perubahan Sekretaris Perusahaan yang sebelumnya dijabat oleh Ibu Sri Noerhayati menjadi Bapak Theodorus Indra Surya Putra. Berikut adalah profil Beliau:
Theodorus Indra Surya Putra
Warga Negara Indonesia, menjabat sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan sejak tanggal 1 Juni 2021.
Mulai bergabung dengan Astra Group sejak tahun 2007 dan selanjutnya bergabung dengan PT Federal International Finance (Perseroan) di tahun 2020 sebagai Corporate Secretary, Legal dan Litigation Deputy Division Head dan pada tahun 2021 dipromosikan sebagai Corporate Secretary, Legal dan Litigation Division Head. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perseroan, Beliau memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai National Litigation Area Coordinator di PT Astra Sedaya Finance sejak tahun 2007 sampai dengan 2012 dan sebagai Intellectual Property Rights & Litigation Department Head pada PT Astra Honda Motor sejak tahun 2014 sampai dengan 2019.
Beliau meraih gelar Sarjana Hukum dari Fakultas Hukum Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung pada tahun 2005. Beliau merupakan Mediator yang terdaftar di Pusat Mediasi Nasional serta Advokat yang terdaftar di Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia. Selain itu, Beliau juga memiliki sertifikasi manajemen bisnis di bidang finance dan human resources
Internal Audit
Governance Guidelines
Audit Committee
In April 2024, the Board of Commissioners of PT Federal International Finance (the “Company”) appointed the members of the Audit Committee through a Board of Commissioners Decision Letter with the following composition:
Chairman |
: |
Gede Harja Wasistha* |
Member |
: |
Hardi Montana |
Member |
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Juliani Eliza Syaftari |
*) all functions, duties and authorities as the new Chairman of the Audit Committee will become effective as of the date the position as Independent Commissioner of the Company becomes effective.
Starting from the closing of the company's AGMS in 2024 until the term of the Company’s Board of Commissioners in office ended, at the closing of the company's AGMS in 2026.
Risk Monitoring Committee
Nomination and Remuneration Committee Charter
Risk Management Policy
Reporting System
The Whistleblowing System is part of GCG implementation of which function is to assist the internal control process of the Company. Therefore, FIFGROUP has established FIFGROUP Integrity (FIT) as means for all employees of the Company to report any suspicious activity, fraud, and violation against the law, the Company regulations, Articles of Association, Code of Conduct, as well as conflict of interests that may harm the Company. Every submitted report must be objective and based on good will without involving personal interests, prejudice, or defamation.
The main purpose of the Company’s whistleblowing system is as a media for whistle blower to make complaints or reporting on fraud or violation of the law, Company’s regulations, Code of Ethics and conflict Interest, without any hesitation or concerns because the whistle blower anonymity will be guaranteed.
Reports of alleged irregularities submitted through the Media Channel FIFTrust were then managed and followed up by adhered to the suspect’s presumption of innocence.
Communication and reporting site on suspected acts of irregularities are provided through 3 (three) media channels:
WhatsApp number 0811 1098 696
Email Complaints: | PO BOX 1054 –
In the Company’s whistleblowing system, the report received will be managed by the Company, and then. will be held by the Internal committee meeting which will be decided to follow the handling according to the level of the case being complained. Follow-up to the investigation process, will produce a report that will be given to the management to determine the decision to be taken according to the results of the investigation.
The Company committed to protect whistleblowers and adherence to all laws and regulations related to the whistle blower’s protection. Therefore, the Company makes regulations as a commitment to the implementation of the whistle blower protection assurance through 005/FIF/SK-DIR/AFM/IX/2019 regulations on the confidentiality & of the protection to whistlebower and 001/FIF/JUKLAK/AFM/IX/2019 regarding the confidentiality and protection of the Whistleblower in the Whistleblowing System.
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
Anti Bribery Management System
As one of the financing companies in Indonesia, FIFGROUP is committed to preventing and avoiding behavior that is detrimental to all parties. The anti-corruption policy initiative is realized through the implementation of ISO 37001 regarding programs and procedures to address the practice of Bribery, Extortion, Illegal Gratification, Conflicts of Interest, Commission Payments to Bribery Receivers, and Facility Payments.
The Company carries out anti-corruption initiatives by appealing to all Company personnel and other stakeholders through the implementation of an Anti-Bribery Management System with the SAY YES TO 6 NO's principle, which described as follows:
Saluran Informasi Whistleblowing System (WBS)
Jika anda menemukan Insiden penyuapan dan pelanggaran peraturan organisasi , anda bisa melaporkan ke:
Kebijakan Anti Penyuapan (Attachment)
Pakta Integritas Untuk Rekan Bisnis (Attachment)